Hi there! I'm Ember, and this is my introduction to, well, me.

First of all, I'm an atheist. I think it's important to say that because I live in the United States, a country currently dealing with a rising problem of violent religious extremists. Christian nationalism is doing escalating damage to the US: we're losing human rights, we're losing stability in every single metric of our society, and worst of all, we're losing lives.

People are afraid, and with good reason, but the more of us who stand up and say "we will not be bullied by your oppressive, hateful religion" the less fearful others need to feel.

I'm also a transgender person. That's right: I'm one of those terrifying "pronoun" folk! The reason I'm open about that is the same: people like us need to see more people like us to know they're not alone. My entire transition so far is visible in the videos I create. I feel that it's important to do that, to help cis people understand, and to help other trans people see the reality of it. To know there's hope.

To be crystal clear: who I am is not the basis for what I believe. Yes, I've been harassed by religious nuts - I've also been helped by people of faith. Humans are humans, and there are kind-hearted folk and terrible people in every group. However, as the old saying goes: good people will always do good, and evil people will always do evil, but to get good people to do evil... well, that takes religion.

I don't believe in the Christian God or any other because I don't see a reason to think any such being exists. I look at the state of the world, at all the suffering - much of it intentionally inflicted in the name of religion - and I see no reason to believe. If there is a God, that being is a monster who has a lot to answer for.

But just because I don't see any reason to believe a god is real, I do believe things.

For instance: I believe religion is dangerous and destructive for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is when we buy into a mythology that claims to have all the answers, we stop looking for the real answers. What's more, we end up doing horrible things, like trying make excuses for slavery and murder, just to cling to our favorite superstition. Just to "be right." 

It inhibits our thinking, limits our potential, and causes us to oppress others who don't conform to the so-called values we're commanded to take to heart. Yes, even you kind-hearted Christians: what you believe influences your life, especially who you vote for. Who you elect influences policy, and policy has real consequences, even if they're not what you intended. The unmitigated disaster of the 45th American Presidency is just one of the most obvious.

I do believe in positive things, too: I believe in science, because anyone can go out and test it. I believe our lives do have purpose, just not one dictated from on high. We choose it ourselves. For me, that means reducing suffering in the world, and pushing back on things that cause suffering, such as religion. I believe the single greatest power humans have is creativity. From art to technology, we are capable of making truly amazing things, and when we work together, that ability gets magnified. It's as close to the divine as we've got, and I hope to inspire more people to help build a better future for all of us, one with more joy and less suffering. 

I don't believe any higher power is going to save us... but I do believe in us. 

You are more moral than any god. You are capable of doing good in this world, unshackled from the limitations of theology. You are better than religion.